
pastimes 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Asked if martin provided these pastimes , li said , " never . "
- 当问到是否马丁提供了这些娱乐,李的回答是:“从没有!”
- That makes them akin to other compelling but legal pastimes , such as gambling , following a football club or collecting stamps .
- 从这点来看,游戏和其他一些有趣且合法的娱乐相类似,比如赌博、热衷于某个足球俱乐部、集邮。
- There are countless pastimes that could give someone flow - running , surfing , singing , playing piano , hiking , writing .
- 生活中有无数数不清的娱乐可以看到流动跑步、冲浪、唱歌、弹钢琴、慢步、写作。
- Tired of his music and his long bow apollo found relief in rustic pastimes .
- 阿波罗厌倦了自己的音乐和长弓,却在乡村娱乐中找到了安慰。
- Sword fights with bamboo sticks and football were favourite pastimes in the lanes outside obama 's first home .
- 在他的第一个家外面的巷子里用竹棍比剑或者踢足球是obama最喜欢的娱乐活动。
- Mr. toyoda has cut back on other pastimes such as golf to spend more hours at the test track .
- 丰田章男缩短了打高尔夫球等其他娱乐活动的时间,把更多时间花在试车场上。