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parliamentarian 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Socialist parliamentarian patrick bloche called the bill " dangerous , useless , inefficient , and very risky for us citizens " .
It wasn 't exactly surprising : the former flight attendant turned politician had won eight consecutive elections since entering parliament in 1978 , making her the country 's longest-serving parliamentarian and one of its most popular .
I can 't imagine any other arab country today where independent judges would tell the government it could not prosecute a parliamentarian for visiting israel - and intellectuals would openly defend him in the press .
Bob katter , an independent parliamentarian from rural queensland , takes the prize : " I do not wish to live in a country of serfs working for foreign landlords . "
But the directive violates the right of consenting adults to marry and it undermines the country 's legal system by circumventing the proper legislative channels , said mu sochua , an opposition parliamentarian who used to serve as the minister of women 's affairs .
Swiss people 's party parliamentarian anita borer believes the idea of showing children porn films in school is " totally inappropriate " and that the content would overwhelm many students .
Alvin lie , a parliamentarian from the small national mandate party , says that in the past the army " has only moved when the masses are moving " and there is no sign of such public unrest .
" Instead of encouraging civil society , they are throttling it , " says another hamas parliamentarian , hatem qafishah , who has been ousted from his post as deputy head of the islamic youth association
In recent years , thanks primarily to the efforts of a german green party activist and european union parliamentarian , michael cramer , trails have been rehabilitated with financing from the european union , and historical markers have been erected .
On iraq , not a single speaker , apart from a forlorn parliamentarian from the iraqi prime minister 's party who made a desultory comment by video-conference , expressed a flicker of sympathy for the new shia-led order , which several voices denounced as wholly illegitimate .