Male-male pairs courted , built nests together and paired off for several weeks .
Afterwards , the witnesses were paired up to discuss what they 'd seen .
We turned to look at the 20 hopeful women to be paired off with the men .
Though a paired trade is simple to construct and generally safer than owning or shorting a single stock , it can still backfire drastically .
Contrasting colors dark furniture , white barcelona chair and bright daylight can be paired to compose a welcoming private space .
In such a trial , each village would be paired with a similar one not getting the same help-and the results compared .
Within an atom , each electron is usually paired with an opposite - oriented electron so that their magnetic pulls cancel each other out .
If their blood types do not match , they can be paired with a couple in the mirror-image position .
Participants were paired at random and seated in front of a computer , physically removed from their anonymous partner .
The same year that mr. hil 's daughter got sick , congress amended the national organ transplant act to clarify that paired exchanges do not violate federal laws against selling organs .