owners 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In fact , bentley discovered that 30 % of its owners already own a range rover .
- 实际上,宾利发现它的客户中有30%的人已经拥有一辆路虎揽胜了。
- • Windows phone 7 owners , rejoice !
- •WindowsPhone7的用户,欢呼雀跃吧!
- Feedback from owners played a role , he said .
- 同时他表示车主的反馈也起了重要作用。
- As business owners know , multiple revenue streams are the key to financial stability .
- 每一位企业主都知道,多个收入来源是财政稳定的关键所在。
- Business owners themselves stand to reap the biggest benefits from facebook 's changes .
- 从Facebook此次升级中获益最多的当属企业所有者本人。
- Will car owners need specific training ?
- 自动驾驶汽车的所有者需要特别培训吗?
- However , tension between kilar and the media owners had been escalating for some time .
- 可是,好一阵以来,吉拉尔和这些媒体老板之间的紧张关系一直在加剧。
- Many business owners are still uneasy about hosting sensitive data off-site .
- 许多企业主至今仍然对托管敏感数据心存疑虑。
- How to spark owners with the same competitive fire they demand of their players ?
- 如何用他们要求他们的球员一样的比赛热情来激发业主们呢?
- Many computers have secret codes to prevent anyone but their owners from operating them .
- 很多计算机拥有密码去防止拥有者以外的任何人操控他们。