

v.排卵( ovulate的现在分词 )

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Both men 's and women 's preferences in mates shift when a woman is ovulating , the period when she is fertile , research has shown .
A menstruating dancer made an average of 22 an hour , while a woman who was neither ovulating nor menstruating averaged 32 an hour .
You waited this long now stop debating cuz I 'm back , I 'm on the rag and ovulating .
Female giant pandas are notorious for not breeding easily , only ovulating once a year , in the spring , and for only two to three days during this time .
Among the conclusions : when women are ovulating , they tend to be drawn to men with greater facial symmetry and more signals of masculinity , such as muscle tone , a more masculine voice and dominant behaviors .
Whereas , they say , ovulating women not on the pill " exhibit a preference for more masculine features , are particularly attracted to men showing dominance and male-male competitiveness and prefer partners who are genetically dissimilar to themselves . "
But searing hatred for ovulating women will not be thwarted so easily !
Men who caught the scent of an ovulating woman from a t-shirt had higher testosterone levels than men who smelled either fresh t-shirts or those from non-ovulating women .
He added : " we advise couples to try to work out when the woman 's ovulating and have lots of sex . "
Women who were not ovulating showed no similar variation in behavior .