
n.飞越领空( overflight的名词复数 )
overflights 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Military overflights have assessed the damage , and by early afternoon our civilian disaster assistance team are beginning to arrive .
- 空军已经通过空中侦察估计了损失范围,下午我们的平民援助小组也会抵达海地。
- And they could offer confidence-building gestures to israel , for instance allowing more trade and overflights .
- 他们也可以向以色列作出一些建立信心的姿态,比如更加的贸易机会和对其开放领空。
- It added that " israeli tank emplacements were spotted amid intense overflights by helicopter gunships and warplanes . "
- 它补充“以色列坦克阵地,在密集的武装直升机和战斗机飞越中被发现。”
- It might have been harder for mr netanyahu to dig in his toes if mr obama had persuaded some friendly arab governments , such as the gulf states and saudi arabia , to promise some " normalisation " gestures ( allowing israeli overflights and trade and tourism deals ) as a down-payment for a settlement freeze .
- 如果奥巴马能够说服一些友好的阿拉伯国家,如海湾国家和沙特阿拉伯给出一些“关系正常化”承诺(允许以色列飞越领空和进行贸易和旅游交易)作为冻结定居点的“定金”,那么内塔尼亚胡就更难坚持自己的立场了。
- And increase overflights . Keep me posted as you make progress .
- 并且增加侦查飞行.如果你们取得进展随时与我保持联系.