
v.对(鱼、渔场)捕捞过度( overfish的过去式和过去分词 )
overfished 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Jellies are a desirable seafood alternative because they haven 't been overfished like so many other oceanic sources of protein .
- 水母是一种可取的海鲜选择,因为它们还没有像其他海洋蛋白质来源一样被过度捕捞。
- Fish and chips has always been a favorite dish in britain , but as the oceans have been overfished , fish has become more and more expensive .
- 油煎鱼加炸土豆片一直是英国人喜爱的一道菜,但是随着海洋里的滥捕滥捞,鱼已经变得越来越昂贵。
- Seas around britain are so " overfished " , they can supply food for only six months a year , a report warned last night .
- 昨晚有一份报告警告,英国周边海域因「滥捕」,以致一年只能供应食物六个月。
- Fish abundance is increasing in previously overfished areas around iceland , the north-east us shelf , the newfoundland-labrador shelf and california .
- 在冰岛附近、美国东北大陆架、纽芬兰及拉布拉多大陆架和加利福尼亚,这些之前过度捕捞地区的鱼类数量正在增长。
- The outer islands are largely uninhabited with excellent dive sites that haven 't be overfished or developed .
- 外岛大多是没人居住的,有着极好的潜水地点,还没有被过度捕捞或是开发。
- The dark red-and-black striped lionfish also replaces groupers , which have been overfished .
- 而长着红黑色条纹的狮子鱼则成为石斑鱼的替代品;后者已经被过度捕捞。
- Many marine species are overfished , and some have high levels of mercury and pcbs .
- 过度捕捞的很多海洋物种中,有许多含有高浓度的汞和多氯联苯。
- Sea urchins , which devour the kelp , have reached pest proportions in the area , because they prefer warmer water and because their natural predator , rock lobsters , have been overfished .
- 海胆,以吞噬海藻为生,在该地区已经猖獗成为害虫,因为它们更喜欢较温暖的水,因为它们的天敌龙虾被过度捕捞。
- Fishpoptrace researchers looked at four economically important , and thus overfished , species : cod , hake , herring and sole .
- fishpoptrace研究人员观察了四种重要经济价值高,被过度捕捞的物种:鳕鱼,黑线鳕,鲱鱼和鳎(比目)鱼。
- The restaurant is now considering whether to remove bluefin , the latest delicacy to be placed on the " overfished " list , from its menu , after bold-faced names on both sides of the atlantic , including alicia silverstone and sting , joined the protest .
- 在艾丽莎斯通和斯汀相继加入了该抵制行动后,该饭店开始考虑将这个新近出现在“过度捕捞”名单上的佳肴从菜单里撤下来。