

v.对(鱼、渔场)捕捞过度( overfish的现在分词 );渔捞过度
overfishing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Some governments even collude in overfishing .
- 一些政府甚至串通过度捕捞。
- Thanks to decades of overfishing , too few fish swim in those waters anyway .
- 由于几十年的过度捕捞,这些水域的鱼类已经大幅减少。
- Overfishing erodes future prosperity by destroying today a resource that could yield benefits indefinitely .
- 渔业资源能够带来无限好处,如今过度捕捞破坏资源,削减未来财富。
- Sharks grow slowly and take years to reproduce , which makes them vulnerable to overfishing .
- 鲨鱼生长缓慢,需要数年才能繁殖,这使得它们容易受到过度捕捞。
- Even many scientists who are alarmed by the evidence of overfishing find such conclusions controversial .
- 甚至很多被明显过度捕捞所震惊的科学家也认为,这样的结论是值得商榷的。
- African union calls to fight overfishing with joint navy patrols and co-operation between fisheries have been ignored .
- 非洲联盟呼吁通过联合海军巡逻来打击过度捕捞,但是却忽略了浴场之间的合作。
- And though president obama has noble intentions on ocean policy , pollution and overfishing is a global problem .
- 尽管奥巴马总统在海洋政策上有宏伟的目标,但是污染和过度捕捞是全球性问题。
- The breakthrough fuelled hopes for a solution to the overfishing that has pushed the bluefin to near extinction .
- 这一突破使得解决由于过度捕捞造成蓝鳍金枪鱼濒临绝种的问题上充满了希望。
- Problems such as overfishing and climate change are regional or global , and moving targets .
- 过度捕捞和气候变化等问题既是区域性问题,又是全球性问题,并在不断变化中。
- Scientists and environmentalists agree that the causes of the decline include overfishing and the destruction of spawning habitats .
- 科学家和环境学家都承认,导致鲑鱼数量下降的原因是过度捕捞和产卵生境的破坏。