
v.建造过多,建造在…上面,过于讲究地建造( overbuild的现在分词 )
overbuilding 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- I 'm not an economist , but there have to be consequences to a system that encourages overspending and overbuilding .
- 虽然我不是经济学家,但是我确信,一个鼓励过热投资和过热建设的制度必然会引起许多不良后果。
- The region continues to be plagued by heavy overbuilding and a depressed tourism market .
- 这座城市一直被房屋超供和低迷的旅游市场所困扰。
- Part of the problem may be overbuilding and needless custom design .
- 问题的部分原因可能是过多和不必要的定制设计。
- Low-ish interest rates can lead to overbuilding anywhere , if the regulators look the other way .
- 如果监管者从另一个方面考虑,低利率会导致各地过度建设。
- Goal is to prevent overbuilding that leads to vacancies , disinvestment , and blight .
- 目标在于防止建设过度而导致空置,蚀本和经济衰落。
- Home prices soared , and there was clearly a lot of overbuilding .
- 房价飞涨,建筑业明显出现大量过度现象。
- When the housing market can respond to demand by adding to supply , there is a greater risk of overbuilding .
- 虽说住房市场可以用加大供给来应对需求时,但过度建设的风险更大。
- In most countries , the bursting of the real estate bubble means an end to speculative overbuilding , and more investment in useful projects , rather than national obsessions with house flipping .
- 在大多数国家,房地产泡沫破裂意味着,投机性过度建设画上句号,更多的投资流入有用的项目、而不是全民性的炒房热潮。
- While overbuilding occurred among small centers in some regions of the united states , shopping centers remained the most attractive and best-performing real estate category for investors during this dif ? Cult period .
- 当时在美国一些地区已出现了建造过多小的购物中心的现象,因为在这困难时期,在房地产领域中,购物中心最吸引人并且又最好的业绩表现。
- In wenzhou a real estate agent recently offered free bmws to anyone who bought a high-end apartment - a clear sign of overbuilding - while there is an obvious shortage of housing affordable for most chinese .
- 在温州,一位房地产经纪人近日打出了买豪华公寓送宝马的宣传口号,在普通商品房依然紧缺的情况下,这显然是过度开发。