ovens 变化形式
易混淆的单词: Ovens
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- Already computers in light switches , thermostats , stereos and ovens help to activate the world .
- 在电灯开关,恒温器,音响和微波炉中的计算机有利于激活世界。
- Cell phones emit " non-ionizing radiation , " similar to the kind produced by microwave ovens and cordless phones .
- 手机发出的是“非离子化辐射”,类似于微波炉和无绳电话发出的那种。
- The company is highly diversified , with more than 800 business units in 57 countries making products ranging from laminate countertops and professional ovens to car-door handles and welding equipment .
- 该公司极其多元化,在57个国家设有800多个营业机构,生产的产品包括层压板台面、专业烤箱、汽车门把手、焊接器材等。
- The same factory situated in belarus , but under another brand , produces microwave ovens .
- 工厂坐落于白俄罗斯,这家工厂还生产另一个牌子的微波炉。
- A lack of ovens dictated boiled , steamed , and fried sweetmeats , and , curiously enough from our point of view , men rather than women were and are the greatest consumers of sweets on the subcontinent .
- 由于烤箱的缺乏,这个地方只有煮的,蒸的,以及油炸的甜品,而奇怪的是,从我们的角度看来,在这个次大陆上男性过去是,现在也是最大的糖果消费者。
- It could therefore be considered the most important area in the kitchen although it is invariably one of the least expensive certainly by comparison with today 's costly bonnet or rorgue ovens .
- 因此,这可能被视为厨房里最重要的区域,尽管其造价并不一定是最昂贵的,当然是与如今那些昂贵的bonnet或rorgue炉子相比。
- Air-conditioners , cars , vcrs or dvd players , microwave ovens , washing machines , clothes dryers and cellphones have reached more than 80 percent of households .
- 而空调、汽车、录像机或dvd机、微波炉、洗衣机、烘干机和手机的普及率则达到了80%。
- Wahaha , a food producer , galanz , a maker of microwave ovens , and many others all depended on foreign protection and capital to grow and escape state strictures .
- 娃哈哈食品公司、格兰仕微波炉制造商以及其它许多企业都靠着外资发展并保护其免受政府束缚。
- The newcomers boost real incomes in the rich world by supplying cheaper goods , such as microwave ovens and computers , by allowing multinational firms to reap bigger economies of scale , and by spurring productivity growth through increased competition .
- 新来者们通过提供诸如微波炉和电脑等更加便宜的商品,通过允许跨国公司获得规模经济效应,以及通过增加竞争来刺激生产能力,从而提高了发达世界的真实收入水平。
- The subsidies give a 13 per cent discount to rural residents on listed price of appliances including refrigerators , televisions , washing machines , computers , air conditioners , mobile phones , water heaters , microwave ovens and traditional ovens .
- 根据补贴政策,农村居民在购买包括冰箱、电视机、洗衣机、电脑、空调、手机、热水器、微波炉和传统烤箱在内的若干种家电时,可享受市价13%的折扣。