
ovations 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This was no ordinary memorial service that much was clear from the cheers and ovations that greeted frequent chunks of the stadium speech ( and that might have grated on some ears ) .
- 这再不是一个普通的纪念活动了,虽然奥巴马的演讲也频繁引起了欢呼和鼓掌(可能还会让某些人的耳朵感到折磨)。
- The following speech , delivered by beth chapman during a " stand up for america rally " hosted by the shelby county alabama legislative delegation , resulted in five standing ovations .
- 以下讲话邮递限值查普曼在"团结起来,为美国"谢尔比县主办阿拉巴马立法代表团造成五名身高鼓掌。
- Everywhere they appeared there were ovations .
- 他们所到之处都有人欢呼。
- It certainly fired up the hall , who gave her repeated standing ovations .
- 她的演讲让整个大厅沸腾了,所有人都集体起立,给了她持久的掌声。
- He started getting standing ovations and nobody was hackling him .
- 他开始收到热烈的欢呼,没有人再嘲笑他了。
- Police agents present at the concert had to break off this spontaneous explosion of ovations .
- 警方人员在演唱会目前已打破了这个自发的欢呼爆炸。
- Though some media reports cited booing-there were scattered boos , of an almost lighthearted nature when the president acknowledged that he did not favor malpractice caps-the response of delegates throughout was largely very positive , with the president stopping many times for applause and for standing ovations .
- 虽然一些媒体报道引嘘声那是为了分散嘘声,这嘘声几乎是很轻松地,因为总统知道他不赞成医疗事故代表们的反响备尝积极,以至于总统不得不因为掌声暂停很多次并起立致意。
- All the shows of ladies first symphonic orchestra are received with standing ovations . The audiences are enthralled not only by the orchestra 's superb performances but also by the beauty and charm of the performers .
- 德国第一女子交响乐团的所有演出都得到观众长时间起立鼓掌的热烈喝彩,他们不仅被女子音乐家们的精湛技艺所折报,更被她们的美丽和动人所深深打动。
- In a speech punctuated by chants and standing ovations , obama said he 's committed to the same goals as the union movement : restoring the economy , getting health care for everyone and passing the employee free choice act .
- 在由圣歌和起立打断讲话,奥巴马说,他的承诺作为工会运动同样的目标:恢复经济,为每个人都保健和通过雇员自由选择法案。
- When beethoven premiered his symphony in vienna he received five ovations .
- 当他在维也纳首演,贝多芬的交响乐,他收到了五演出。