
infants 变化形式
易混淆的单词: INFANTS
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- The children 's home also welcomed pregnant homeless mothers and homeless mothers with infants .
- 儿童之家也欢迎无家可归的孕妇以及带着婴儿的年轻母亲。
- Infants and children may exhibit lethargy and reduced interaction with others , says dr. kleinman .
- 克雷曼医生说,婴幼儿中暑时会表现出无精打采、寡言少语的症状。
- Suppose as infants we had learned to fear failure . Many of us would still be crawling around on all fours .
- 试想一下如果在婴幼儿时期我们就学会了惧怕失败,那么我们当中的很多人也许至今还在用四肢爬行。
- Part of the reason for the intense interest in infants was labour 's laudable desire to improve social mobility .
- 工党之所以如此密切地关注婴幼儿,是因为他们想要提高社会的流动性,这一点是值得赞赏的。
- North koreans are by and large hungry , oppressed , cloistered and treated as infants .
- 朝鲜人基本上是饥饿而又受压迫的;他们大多与世隔绝,而且被人当作幼儿对待。
- Registrars often frustrate enterprising parents trying to name their infants justice , king , prince , baron and duke .
- 登记处常常要阻止那些企图给自己的婴孩取名为法官、国王、王子、公主、男爵和公爵的积极进取的父母。
- They recruited the parents of 23 infants .
- 他们招募了23名宝宝的父母。
- About a third of barely crawling infants are overweight or at risk for being obese , according to the study .
- 根据研究,只会爬的小孩大约有三分之一是过重或者有处于过胖的风险。
- Postnatal early catch-up growth and insulin sensitivity in small for gestational age infants .
- 小于胎龄儿出生后早期追赶生长与胰岛素敏感性关系分析。
- Because it contains nitrogen , its addition to food products can wrongly suggest an inflated protein content , robbing infants of much-needed nutrition .
- 因为富含氮元素,当它被加入食品中后,可以被误认为富含蛋白质,剥夺了孩子所需的营养。