

abbr.oil-soluble acid 油溶酸;order for simple alert 简单警告命令

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Researchers said there may be a number of reasons for the association between fes and osa .
One unexplored precipitant of seizures in older adults is obstructive sleep apnea ( osa ) , which is also more common in this age group .
Many people with osa often sleep on one side , which could result in repeated pressure on the eyelid on that side of the face .
They noted that central nervous system arousal may be impaired in people with osa , so they don 't wake up as people normally do when breathing slows or stops , or when the eyelid undergoes major stress .
He sums up the spirit of adventure that osa and martin embraced .
In the early 1950 's she served as the host for the first wildlife series on television , osa johnson 's the big game hunt .
The study showed that he had obstructive sleep apnea ( osa ) , a disorder in which breathing stops repeatedly in sleep for 10 seconds or longer , lowering oxygen supply to the brain .
" Osa is one of the few clinical entities of any sort associated with increased crashes and injuries in the transportation environment , " mitchell garber , m.d. , m.p.h. , a medical officer with the national transportation safety board , said at the sleep conference .
Even thin people may develop osa , however , particularly those who have a small airway , large tongue , jaw deformities , or neurological disorders that reduce neuromuscular support for the airway in sleep .
The book , dedicated to martin , ends with a newspaper clipping , announcing his death in a plane crash in los angeles , in which osa was badly injured .