odours 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Bad smells are not just a matter of poor hygiene . Illness and old age both bring characteristic odours of their own , and neither state makes people more attractive . Perfumes may spoof these messages .
- 难闻的味道不光是不卫生的问题,疾病和衰老都具有各自的特色气味;不过上面的这两种情况都不能增加人的吸引力,但是香水却可以粉饰上述问题。
- Perhaps the most popular is that since thicker hair gathers in regions where we have apocrine ( scent ) sweat glands as well as eccrine ( cooling ) ones , it may serve to waft odours that signal sexual maturity .
- 也许其中最为流行的是,既然有浓厚的毛发集中生长在顶浆分泌(香味)汗腺和外分泌(冷却)汗腺的部位,它可能有助于飘送性成熟信号的气味。
- They found , as they report in experimental biology , that the animals spent an average of five seconds breathing air scented with lemon , jasmine or cinnamon , all pleasant odours from a human point of view .
- 正如他们在“实验生物学”上所发表的,他们发现小海龟们在通有柠檬味、茉莉味或肉桂味的这些人类认为很好闻的空气时平均换气时间为五秒。
- Anat arzi of the weizmann institute of science in rehovot , israel , and her colleagues used a simple form of learning called classical conditioning to teach 55 healthy participants to associate odours with sounds as they slept .
- 以色列雷霍沃特的威兹曼科学中心的阿娜特阿尔济(anatarzi)和她的同事们采用一种称为“经典条件反射”的简单学习方式,让55名健康的实验参与者学会在睡觉时把气味和声音联系起来。
- The daily chronicle of london called the tale " unclean , " " poisonous , " and " heavy with the mephitic odours of moral and spiritual putrefaction . "
- 伦敦的《每日记事报》对其评论为“不洁的”,“有害的”,以及“散发着严重道德和灵魂的腐化物臭气”。
- Sensors will soon be able to " smell " and distinguish odours , enabling analysis of soil conditions or sanitation systems .
- 不久,传感器将能够“闻到”并分辨出气味,从而分析土质条件和卫生系统。
- Mr bradshaw believes that it is difficult for people to empathize with the way in which dogs experience and respond to the world through their extraordinary sense of smell : their sensitivity to odours is between 10000 and 1 00000 times greater than ours .
- 布拉德肖认为,关于狗有一点人们很难理解,即狗靠其灵敏的嗅觉来体验周围世界并作出反应:狗的嗅觉灵敏度是人类的1万到10万倍。
- Air quality , dust , litter , odours and vermin are strictly controlled too .
- 空气质量,灰尘,碎屑,气味和寄生虫也得受到严格的控制。
- Your letter tells me that something special is afoot with you , for I find in it so much about paradise and spring and sweet odours and the songs of birds .
- 您的来信告诉我某些特别的事情正在您身上发生,因为我从中读到了许多关于天堂,春天,甜美的香气还有鸟儿的歌唱的事情。
- It will also reduce waste and odours , and produce a valuable organic fertiliser that is safer than raw manure .
- 它同时能够减少垃圾和气味,并且产生一种比未经处理的粪便安全许多的有价值的有机肥料。