Blu 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In the game , the angry birds manage to escape from their captors and then try to save their two rare macaw friends - blu and jewel .
- 这款游戏里,愤怒的小鸟可以从捕获者逃离然后拯救他们仅有的金刚鹦鹉blu和jewel。
- I met fathy in the lobby of the seafront radisson blu hotel in tripoli one month after the end of the war .
- 战事结束一个月后,我在位于的黎波里海边的雷迪森酒店大堂见到了法特希。
- Applying technology developed at mit , blu homes designs its modern structures using steel frames that fold on hinges much like a card table .
- BluHomes公司应用麻省理工学院(MIT)开发的技术,设计出使用钢架结构、可以像一张轻便小桌那样绕着铰链折叠的现代建筑。
- But blu ray 's more effective marketing campaign , and the inclusion of a blu ray drive on the playstation 3 console , helped turn the tide in the competition 's favor .
- 不过蓝光技术的市场推广更有成效,而且PlayStation3游戏机也内置了蓝光驱动器,蓝光技术最终扭转了竞争局面。