
v.占领( occupy的现在分词 );使用;使从事;任职
occupying 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- If that involved invading , occupying and reshaping whole countries , so be it .
- 如果这种改变包括入侵、占领和重塑所有国家,那它是这样的。
- The german occupying authority accused her of sheltering allied soldiers at the school and helping them to escape to holland .
- 德国占领当局指控她利用该校为协约国士兵提供庇护并帮助士兵们逃到霍兰。
- Their mum was part jewish , something they managed to hide from occupying nazi forces while remaining in the netherlands .
- 他们的母亲有部分犹太血统,因此他们不得不设法逃脱占领荷兰的纳粹军队的抓捕。
- Some later rose to the top of japan 's post-war medical establishment , abetted by occupying american forces .
- 在美国占领军的唆使下,这些实验后来也出现在了顶尖的日本战后的医疗所里。
- That is the conviction of the people now occupying wall street , even if they lack coherent plans for dealing with it .
- 目前占领华尔街的民众正是坚信了这一点,尽管他们也拿不出周密的计划来解决这一问题。
- But the increasing numbers of demonstrators " occupying " wall street and elsewhere could not answer that question if they tried .
- 但是,“占领”华尔街和其它地方的越来越多的示威者绞尽脑汁也回答不了上述问题。
- They provided the main pipeline into iraq for sunni jihadists to wage attrition against us occupying forces and to slaughter shia civilians .
- 他们向伊拉克提供了主要的输油管道,让逊尼派圣战主义者得以对美国占领军发起消耗战,并屠杀什叶派平民。
- The protestors who turned up in davos found themselves occupying a few yurts and giant igloos in a coach park a long way from the congress centre .
- 出现在达沃斯的抗议者发现自己占领了距离会议中心有一长段路的一个旅游车停车场中一些圆顶帐篷和巨型圆顶建筑。
- The russian army rolled over those ideas by occupying one-third of georgia in only four days , from august 8 through 11 .
- 俄国人的军队以短短四天(8月8日-11日)占领三分之一个格鲁吉亚粉碎了美国的企图。
- That will ensure its speedy conversion into a security council resolution to declare israel the occupying power of a un member state .
- 此举一定会很快导致联合国安理会(securitycouncil)决议的出台,宣布以色列正在占领一个联合国成员国。