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obligingly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

I think you can see in this description that the client was obligingly fulfilling the therapist 's expectations !
Sweden 's ambassador in tel aviv obligingly called the article shocking .
Turkey is investing large sums too , including $ 40m for a teaching hospital for hamas 's islamic university which has obligingly added turkish to its curriculum .
This woman contrasted the lunch with a similar event hosted by laura bush who obligingly took a group of the wives upstairs to see the lincoln bedroom-and then posed for pictures with each of them in the room .
Most men like to reduce their lives to a formula , whether in boast or lament , but almost always in recrimination ; their memories obligingly construct for them a clear and comprehensible past .
As far as your genes are concerned , your principal job while you 're alive is to conceive offspring , bring them to adulthood and then obligingly die so you don 't consume resources better spent on the young .
Though the president obligingly promised $ 39m for a local unit of navistar to make electric trucks , it will take time for the firm to scale up production and hire workers .
Sweden 's ambassador in tel aviv obligingly called the article shocking . But she was countermanded by the swedish foreign minister , carl bildt .
Dick moore , elkhart 's mayor , has been so enthusiastic about federal support that some county officials harrumph that he sleeps in obama pyjamas . Though the president obligingly promised $ 39m for a local unit of navistar to make electric trucks , it will take time for the firm to scale up production and hire workers .
The media have obligingly filled this information vacuum with speculation , nominating russia as the most likely suspect .