


nostalgic 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- His ideas are far more rigorous and relevant than the nostalgic great britons narrative for which some still hanker .
- 他的观点较之有些人依然渴望的对伟大英国的怀旧性描绘更具活力与相关性。
- But it had virtues that , reading the sec 's settlements with jpmorgan and goldman , make me nostalgic .
- 但它也有价值看着证交会与摩根大通和高盛达成的和解协议,我有些怀旧。
- At the risk of appearing irreparably nostalgic , let me answer with a qualified yes .
- 冒着显得怀旧得不可救药的危险,让我用一个限定的“是”来回答这个问题。
- I 've been toying around with indiana jones and the fate of atlantis again , and it fills me with this nostalgic glee .
- 我现在又开始玩印第安纳琼斯和大西洋国的游戏了,这让我心中充满了怀旧的喜悦。
- The farmhouse style still sells well , even in new york and london , where it seems to speak to some nostalgic yearning among urban families .
- 农家式厨房依然销售旺盛,甚至在纽约和伦敦也很好,似乎体现了城市家庭的一些怀旧之情。
- It is easy to feel nostalgic in this part of the city .
- 城市的这些地区,容易使人产生怀旧的心情。
- Sentimentalists are nostalgic about the party 's roots in the labour movement .
- 怀旧者对工党起源于工人运动念念不忘。
- It is nostalgic to read about the fall of crony capitalism in ukraine five years ago .
- 五年前读到乌克兰裙带资本主义垮台就属于怀旧了。
- If you are a healthy adult who has dealt with the growing up process well then there is nothing wrong with a little nostalgic reminiscing .
- 如果你是一个健全的成年人,很好地处理过成长过程,那么一小点儿的怀旧情绪是没什么问题啦。
- Amid the chaos , some are even nostalgic for mobutu who , like strongmen before and since , presided over relative peace and unity .
- 在暴乱中,有些怀旧的人甚至开始想念蒙博托这个和他的强硬前任们一样主持了相对的和平和统一的总统。