It is not just that putin 's personal brand is ageing . The popularity of the entire st petersburg clique around him is falling with him .
The timing , less than a week before the first anniversary of the death of his rocket-loving father , kim jong il , appeared to be aimed primarily at solidifying the young mr kim 's leadership clique as well as bolstering his popularity among his oppressed subjects , south korean officials said .
Only pyongyang 's ruling clique knows what it hopes to achieve by all this , but at least two plausible scenarios could link this pair of provocations .
The result is a highly unusual form of capitalism , dominated by a handful of gigantic firms and controlled by a clique of security officials .
Mr assad rapidly filled their positions , but in a country governed by a clique held together by personal loyalty , the dead men will not easily be replaced .
The forests were felled , the soils dried up , and the rivers died so that a corrupt and distant clique could profit .
The operations of a government-run gravel company the profits of such enterprises usually flow back to people who are part of , or connected to , the ruling clique make the problem worse .
The country is run largely in the interests of a ruling clique .
It may be a sign of tolerance for those outside his clique .