He nods , but he 's clearly uncomfortable , shaky .
The monkey nods his head and moves his mouth back and forth , meaning they were talking .
Barack obama , who hopes to nudge the economy away from consumption and towards exports , nods sympathetically .
My classmate from moscow , who is watching me type these lines on my laptop , nods in agreement .
But at this stage all the reader learns is that the plan is brilliant , complex and efficient . One man who publicly nods his assent believes it is also evil .
I don 't need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod ; my shadow does that much better .
These investors employ strategies tied to interest-rate policy and economic trends-making snippets of information as subtle as head nods and body language extremely valuable .
In some cases it makes sense to invest time essentially teaching others ( through nods , puzzled looks and other clues ) how to make their point more clearly or appreciably .
Here at the answer we strive to achieve style beyond the ebbs and flows of fashion , while also giving knowing nods to trends as they come and go .
Elks can now seek out their deerest friends in metals trading or mogadishu or any other corner of business far more easily than they could in the days when networks communicated through winks , nods and funny handshakes .