

[医][=mean diastolic pressure gradient]平均舒张压梯度

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The mdg targets call forthe proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water andbasic sanitation to be halved by 2015 from levels in 2000 .
Nutrition is not an mdg in itself , but three of the goals are closely related to it : those which aim for lower mortality rates for infants , children and mothers .
One of the first mdg 2.0 targets , therefore , should be reducing statelessness and providing universal legal identity : the enactment and enforcement of legislation ensuring every citizen has universal access to a documented legal identity and is registered at birth .
Worldwide , an estimated 358 billion dollars is needed between now and 2015 to achieve the un millennium development goal ( mdg ) of halving the proportion of people with inadequate sanitation from 2000 levels .
A world health organization ( who ) report published in may found the world was on track to achieve aglobally agreed millennium development goal ( mdg ) on access to safe drinkingwater , but more needed to be done to improve levels of sanitation .
Its government may well find the mdg exercise mildly discouraging .
As a compromise , the document says people living under foreign occupation should also reach the mdg targets .
The world achieved this , the first mdg , in 2010 : the share of absolute poverty fell from 43 % of the global population in 1990 to around 21 % in 2010 .
So the mdg exercise has at least made them spend three days discussing matters they might prefer to ignore . It has also helped to shift the debate away from how much is being spent on development towards how much is being achieved .