marty 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- What 's marty got against him ?
- 马丁跟他有什么过节?
- What did you do here , marty ?
- 你在这里都做了什么marty?
- The novel ends with grace and marty grieving over his grave .
- 小说结束于grace和marty在他的墓前伤心。
- Don 't you read the papers ? Marty , for god 's sake !
- 你们难道从来不看报纸的吗?marty,看在老天份上!
- America and kosovo 's other foreign friends have tolerated this nastiness , mr marty argues , for the sake of stability .
- 马蒂表示,美国和科索沃的其他外国盟友对此恶行表示沉默是为了该地区的稳定考虑。
- Fred smiled and put his arm around marty . They got in barney 's taxi and went to the dentist 's together .
- 佛瑞德笑了,把马蒂抱在怀里,他们坐着巴尼的出租车一起去了牙医那里。
- Marty : no , I actually do have a butterfly in my stomach .
- 马丁:不,我真的把一只蝴蝶吞进肚子里.
- Marty : well that depends . Are you one of the models ?
- 马丁:那要看情况吧,你是其中一个模特儿吗?
- Marty , can you hear me ?
- 马帝你有听到吗?
- Marty , what species is that ?
- 玛帝,你是指哪一种?