

mainly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- These will mainly help the better-off .
- 这主要是肥了富人。
- But they are mainly geopolitical .
- 但猜疑主要来自地缘政治方面。
- The shadow of war again looms over turkey 's mainly kurdish south-east .
- 战争的阴影再次笼罩在以库尔德人为主的土耳其东南部地区。
- Those exports come mainly from multinationals .
- 爱尔兰出口主要依赖于跨国公司。
- The coal burnt in power plants can also be improved , mainly by drying .
- 借由干燥为主的措施也能够增加燃煤发电站的功效。
- His investment portfolio comprises mainly index funds .
- 他的投资组合主要包括指数基金。
- Their revenues come mainly from property taxes .
- 而收入主要依赖于财产税。
- It maintains power mainly by repression .
- 它主要是通过压制来维持政权。
- This is mainly how I learn theory .
- 这是我获取理论的主要方法。
- Prison are mainly train camps for criminals .
- 监狱主要是犯罪分子训练营。