

handmaid 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- O lord , truly I am thy servant ; I am thy servant , and the son of thine handmaid .
- 耶和华啊,我真是你的仆人;我是你的仆人,是你婢女的儿子。
- And also of the son of the handmaid will I make a nation , because he is thy seed .
- 至于这婢女的儿子,我也要使他成为一国,因为他也是你的后裔。
- She is a handmaid of that family .
- 她是那个家族的女仆。
- The prince had appeared and subjugated the poor little handmaid .
- 王子出现了,这使穷苦的小丫头不胜仰慕。
- Riches are a good handmaid , but the worst mistress .
- 富裕是个好助手,但却是最糟的主妇。
- The party regarded the trade unions us the handmaid of the political movement .
- 该党把工会看成政治运动的陪衬。
- And mary said , behold the handmaid of the lord ; be it unto me according to thy word . And the angel departed from her .
- 马利亚说,我是主的使女,情愿照你的话成就在我身上。天使就离开他去了。
- Action is then the handmaid of an idea , and the mere construction of ideas is obviously detrimental to action .
- 行动此时就成了概念的仆人,因此仅仅树立概念显然对行动是有害的。
- Leah said , " god has given me my hire , because I gave my handmaid to my husband . "
- 肋阿说:“上帝给了我报酬,因为我将我的婢女给了我的丈夫。”
- And she said , thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house , save a pot of oil .
- 她说,婢女家中除了一瓶油之外,没有什么。