Their leftwing opponents argue that the era of markets is over .
For too long the casual assumption has been made that any critique of textbook economics must be leftwing .
In fact the administration has not pursued a radical leftwing course , as some have feared .
The rightwing candidate of 2008 is now the leftwing candidate of 2012 , without his policies having moved left one iota .
Previous leftwing coalition governments did no better .
Unlike their forebears in the culture wars of the 1990s and the civil rights and anti-war movements of the 1960s , today 's leftwing youth are mostly focused on the economy .
My first stumbling career move was into banking equally shocking in the eyes of my leftwing parents and an equally bad choice for me .
The root of this dates back to the 1950s leftwing political ideal that companies should be providing beautiful goods for all at a reasonable price .
Leftwing demands to increase the top rate of income tax and abolish tax concessions for foreign non-domiciled residents were ignored and capital gains tax was cut .
Rightwing candidates are better looking than their leftwing counterparts , something they benefit from during elections , according to a study conducted by swedish and finnish economists .