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dete 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Dete remained standing politely near the door , still holding heidi tightly by the hand , for she did not know what the child might take it into her head to do amid these new surroundings .
As clara was putting her impatient question for the second time , dete and heidi arrived at the front door , and the former inquired of the coachman , who had just got down from his box , if it was too late to see fraulein rottenmeier .
Dete and heidi went upstairs and into the study , tinette following .
Said the lady , shaking her head . " Dete , is the child a simpleton or only saucy ? "
" We shall soon get to the top now . - You must walk bravely on a little longer , and take good long steps , and in another hour we shall be there , " said dete in an encouraging voice .
Dete gave her another poke , but as the child had not the least idea why she did so she was not at all confused .