

lapped 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And now peace lapped her round .
- 现在平和的气氛环绕着她。
- He lapped the other cars .
- 他领先其他车一圈。
- He lapped one plate over another .
- 他把一只只盘子叠起来。
- My tongue playing around as it lapped around in circles .
- 我的舌头舔玩耍,因为它在兜圈子。
- The silly boy lapped up all their praise .
- 那傻男孩不加考虑地接受了他们所有的称赞。
- They lapped up everything she told them .
- 她说什么他们都相信。
- I lapped a bandage around the wrist .
- 我用绷带将手腕包起来。
- She simply lapped up all the compliments .
- 什么恭维话她都照单全收。
- The calf lapped up the bucket of milk .
- 牛犊把那桶牛奶津津有味地喝光了。
- The champion lapped him at the mile .
- 在一英里赛跑中,冠军超过了他一整圈。