


artistically 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Working artistically is unhealthy ; an artist should lead a healthy life to make up for it .
- 从事艺术工作是不健康的,艺术家应该投入一种健康的生活来加以弥补。
- This anthology is beautifully printed and artistically bound .
- 这部选集印刷精美,装帧典雅。
- India is a cradle of civilisations , artistically innovative and culturally diverse .
- 印度是文明的摇篮,具有艺术创新精神和文化多元性。
- He leans artistically towards romanticism .
- 他比较倾向于浪漫主义。
- The room is artistically decorated .
- 房间布置得很美观。
- Artistically , he enjoys the negative spaces his art creates .
- 从艺术上讲,他享受自己艺术创造出来的负空间。
- Tom swept his brush artistically back and forth .
- 汤姆巧妙地把刷子刷来刷去。
- It was presented to me -- beautifully , artistically , and lovingly .
- 这是专门给我的漂亮、高雅,惹人喜爱。
- The new room are artistically designed to ensure maximum comfort of the guest .
- 新房间精心设计确保客人的最大舒适度。
- Her little daughter is artistically aware .
- 她的小女儿艺术感很强。