英音  ['nəʊlz]    
美音 ['noʊlz]    


n.小圆丘,小土墩( knoll的名词复数 )

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易混淆的单词: Knolls

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Along this route , the river cutting across the plateau , the local atmosphere and characters and the yellow ridges and knolls all refreshed his senses .
No , now he remembered the word from the geography book they weren 't called " loess caps " , they were called " ridges " and " knolls " .
The elevation of this escarpment can still be measured by the height of the two knolls of the two great sepulchres which enclose the road from genappe to brussels : one , the english tomb , is on the left ; the other , the german tomb , is on the right .
It is a serious mental illness requiring specialized treatment , but the problem , according to kimberly dennis , m. d. , medical director at timberline knolls residential treatment center , is that bipolar disorder often gets misdiagnosed by professionals and is unrecognized by loved ones .
The town has developed around numerous knolls and valleys .
Beautiful scenery knolls , elfin wood , pitted valleys resembling the surface of the moon .
Finding teachers fluent in mandarin and interested in the educational techniques presidio knolls wants to use has been a challenge .