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美音 ['nɒts]    


n.结( knot的名词复数 );节;硬节;一小群人

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At higher altitudes , speed in mach becomes more important than speed in knots .
And a modern hovercraft can carry an abrams tank , america 's heaviest , at a speed of 40 knots .
There are diminishing returns in slow steaming with machinery designed to operate at higher outputs - particularly when reducing speeds to below 20 knots .
The paint does not stop the animals attaching themselves to a hull in the first place , but once the vessel is moving faster than ten knots , the water sweeps them away .
They will enable dives of more than 10 hours ( five hours longer than today 's alvin ) and a top speed of three knots , up from the current two .
Untying only one or two of the gordion knots would be measured as a significant achievement for a second term .
He attacks the monastic orders and their conception of worship as consisting in ' the precise number of knots to the tying on their sandals ' .
Two of the three galaxies are forming new stars at a high rate . This is evident in the bright blue knots of star formation that are strung along the arms of the galaxy on the right and along the small galaxy on the left .
Pulling disentangles these convolutions , he says . When there are no more knots to untie , the proteins reconfigure into tough structures called beta-sheet nanocrystals .
The circles can take the shape of dna structures , scorpions , snowflakes , helices , webs , knots and complex geometric patterns .