英音  [ɪn'vəʊkt]    
美音 [ɪn'voʊkt]    


v.援引( invoke的过去式和过去分词 );行使(权利等);祈求救助;恳求

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It serves a purpose in emergencies : african countries invoked it against big pharma to get cheap drugs to fight hiv .
In taking action , president barack obama invoked a law allowing the temporary imposition of tariffs on goods that are " disrupting " american industries .
Ms. diallo 's attorneys disputed that mr. strauss-kahn enjoyed such immunity and argued he hadn 't invoked the protection while facing criminal charges .
In a show of solidarity , nato invoked article 5 of its treaty which asserts that an attack on one ally is an attack on all .
Two top lawyers who are former federal prosecutors and who represent some of the victims said mrs. madoff had invoked the legal doctrine of marital privilege and declined to testify against her husband .
The united nations security council invoked a fateful formula , urging the regime to meet its " responsibility to protect " its people .
Ted kennedy , a massachusetts democrat in the senate , invoked the ghost of wars past , saying " we cannot repeat the mistake of vietnam " .
And , occasionally , a third category is invoked where the myth is not refuted , but where a high level of certainty is unattainable , " plausible . "
Some of them invoked the rallying cries of america 's political heroes : " give me liberty or give me death , " read one .
While jobs has never invoked the term in public -- one of the aspects of his genius is the ability to keep even his most esoteric assertions in the realm of the instantly accessible -- ma is at the core of the jobsian way .