

v.援引( invoke的现在分词 );行使(权利等);祈求救助;恳求

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Invoking the national security law , the nis claimed koryo 's website was spreading propaganda about north korea .
Mr obama has already rejected one : invoking the 14th amendment to the constitution , which says the validity of america 's debt " shall not be questioned " .
Mr lewis has said he considered invoking a " material adverse change " , or mac , clause to cancel the agreed deal when he learnt of mounting losses at merrill .
America 's allies in nato have proclaimed their willingness to stand up and be counted by invoking for the first time in the history of the organisation its article 5 on mutual defence , which binds the signatories to regard an attack on one member as an attack on all .
Invoking the hyperinflation of weimar germany and zimbabwe , he warned on january 12th that for congress to tamper with the fed 's independence would lead " directly to economic ruin . "
They watched , with growing helplessness , as a crescendo of republican voices began invoking moynihan 's writings to defend reduced funding for head start , job training , adult literacy , and welfare .
By invoking the exemption , even in the form suggested by the critics of the rule change , the government is necessarily admitting that there is " an ongoing criminal investigation , " which is precisely what it doesn 't want to disclose .
Defiant democrats are floating crackpot responses such as issuinga $ 1 trillion cointo avoid the debt ceiling ( see article ) or invoking the 14th amendment to the constitution , which they say forbids default .
Media wags couldn 't resist invoking the jackie jinx .
The engineer has refused to testify in the probe , invoking the fifth amendment right against self-incrimination .