
v.侵入,侵扰,打扰( intrude的现在分词);把…强加于

intruding 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- With luck , the bird will stop drumming and come to investigate what he thinks is a rival male intruding into his territory .
- 幸运的话,这只啄木鸟将停止啄木来确定是否有其他雄性的竞争对手入侵他的领地了。
- Hope I 'm not intruding .
- 但愿我没打扰你们。
- You ever feel guilty calling people uninvited , intruding into their lives ?
- 你有无因为无故打电话给人、打扰他们的生活而感到罪恶?
- The study found that work intruding into home life is having really different consequences for men and women .
- 当工作侵入到家庭事务的时候,女性和男性会有不同结果的反应。
- You stop intruding my life !
- 你不要来干扰我的生活!
- They will be helpful without intruding in your privacy .
- 他们将有助於在不侵犯个人隐私。
- The flute would be intruding here like a delicate lady at a club smoker ?
- 长笛在这儿显得突兀,犹如优雅的小姐在老烟枪身边?
- Both sides accused the other of intruding into territorial waters .
- 南海局势紧张上升为本周地区性论坛的首要问题。
- Just ask lord justice leveson , hearing allegations of illegal phone-hacking , bribery and paparazzi intruding on funerals .
- 这一点只要问问聆听了这么多非法电话监听、行贿和狗仔队强闯葬礼的故事的列维森勋爵就可以了。
- He is always intruding his opinions upon others , and well deserves his reputation as a bore .
- 他总是把看书的意见强加于人,无怪乎他有个令人讨厌的名声。