At this moment , I felt the angriest I d ever felt in my life .
Fans have nicknamed him the ' world 's angriest cat ' .
At my angriest point , I was convinced the person who hurt me did it with full intention and cruelty .
But the angriest attacks came from roosevelt 's distant cousin franklin delano roosevelt who took office amid the worst financial crisis in american history .
For hamlet 's more despairing moments - because even the angriest guys also listen to sad sack water music .
But even the angriest tories remember that ted heath 's battle with the mine workers over his wage-restraints policy led to his defeat in the 1974 elections .
For all mr cameron 's talk of failed policies , something like state multiculturalism ( ie , offering public support while ignoring tricky differences in values ) remains the british default response to religions other than islam , whose angriest fringe has overwhelmed unmuscular liberalism .
Many of the places where americans feel angriest are battleground states : florida , michigan and ohio all saw big republican gains in the 2010 mid-terms .