Deleveraging in western economies will be less painful if savings-rich asian countries and oil-exporters inject more capital .
Oil majors are loth to inject cash because they do not know how much tax they will have to pay .
Agbank ' needs to strengthen its village loan distribution and inject more people and resources , ' it said .
The same day , the european central bank ( ecb ) was forced to inject 95 billion ( $ 130 billion at the time ) of emergency liquidity .
President zine el-abidine ben ali has also sounded a conciliatory note , firing a handful of ministers and promising to inject as much as $ 4.5 billion into job-creation schemes .
The idea is to inject some basic humanity into the conduct of all sides in a conflict .
However , meteorologist michael fromm of the u.s. naval research laboratory , has shown that large , fire-generated clouds can also inject particles high in the sky .