
v.极力主张,反复灌输( inculcate的过去式和过去分词 )
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- Mannerisms that he 's inculcated in his other role .
- 他的灌输在他的其他角色。
- We think that the sooner those values get inculcated in young people , the better off we 'll be .
- 我们认为越早向年轻人灌输这些价值理念,我们将会变得越富有。
- The patient , that is to say , does not need to have a truth inculcated into him .
- 换句话说,病人并不需要让一个真相灌输到他身上。
- But the sense of responsibility inculcated into him through training kept him securing my place for more than 4 hours till 3 am when the intruder happened .
- 但他的责任感,通过培训不断灌输到他那里获得了4个多小时,直至上午03时,当入侵发生.
- Reverting from revolutionary fervour to habits inculcated during the long years of mr mubarak 's rule , weary egyptians seem inclined to tune out of such disputes .
- 随着革命兴奋的褪去,埃及人民又恢复了mubarak长期统治下所灌输的习惯,疲惫不堪的人民似乎希望远离这些争端。
- But the lie that even intelligent persons accept as fact-the lie that has been inculcated in a little child at its mother 's knee is more dangerous to contend against than a creeping pestilence !
- 被辨认的谎言就算已被铲除了一半,被甚至最聪慧的人以为事实,自从在母亲膝边就被灌注的谎言,其危险可与蔓延的疫病相对抗!
- Humanism thus began as an educational program called the humanities , which inculcated those ancient secular values which were consistent with christian teachings .
- 人文主义从而开始了作为一个教育计划称为人文,那些古老的灌输一些与基督教教义一致的世俗价值观。
- Here again , as in the case of agricola , it is a theoretical and not a practical antinomianism that in inculcated .
- 同样,如在阿格里科拉的情况下,它是一个理论,而不是实际唯信仰论,在灌输。
- Before , after , and around the elite college classroom , a constellation of values is ceaselessly inculcated .
- 精英大学课堂之前、之后、和周围都在集中灌输着价值观。
- I think , not what their children are also inculcated as man , the child as a friend , so that gap will be gone !
- 我认为,不要把孩子当作什么都还要灌输的人,把孩子当作朋友,这样,代沟就会没了!