
v.极力主张,反复灌输( inculcate的现在分词 )
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- They perceive political unrest as rooted in fallacious ideas advanced by misguided thinkers and indict the educational system for inculcating subversion .
- 他们认为政治动荡根源于思想家误导的错误想法,并控告教育体系反复灌输颠覆传统的思想。
- When the teacher was inculcating , the students was napping .
- 当老师在谆谆教诲的时候,学生在打瞌睡。
- Lenin 's theory of inculcating ideology : a sharp weapon to strengthen ideological education .
- 列宁的灌输论是加强思想教育的锐利武器。
- Developing olympian character is about development of mind and spirit and understanding and inculcating highest principles and values that can lead to a harmonious world .
- 发扬奥运精神就是要培养高尚的情操,这种高尚的情操正是通向和谐世界的必经之路。
- Parents and our educational institutions have a vital role to play in inculcating the right attitudes in our young during their formative years .
- 在年轻人的成长过程中,家长和教育机构在灌输他们正确的态度上,扮演着关键性的角色。
- So in comparison with teaching children how to compete , inculcating in them the sense of cooperation is surely a wiser choice .
- 所以和教育孩子如何竞争相比,给他们灌输合作的意识确实是一个明智的选择。
- The mission of the law school is to nurture professionals in law education by focusing on theoretical instruction and practical training , inculcating in them : responsibility , high ethical standards , team spirit , and global view for national and world communities .
- 法律学院以养成具法律专业与学术能力之人才为宗旨,期藉由强化理论教育与实务训练,培育学生具有责任感、高品德、团队精神及全球视野,以贡献国家及国际社会。
- Therefore , it is a forever topic for ideological and political education to innovate the content , method and means of inculcating theory and embody the theoretic quality of progress with times .
- 因此,创新灌输的内容、方法和手段,真正体现与时俱进的理论品质,是思想政治教育工作的一个永恒课题。
- Yet google 's rapid expansion , which has led to a sharp increase in its rate of hiring , seems likely to put a strain on its traditional way of inculcating its business values .
- 然而,谷歌的迅速扩张导致其招聘人数大增,可能对其灌输商业价值的传统方式带来了压力。
- By the institutional framework of a science , I mean a complementary set of means aimed at developing its ideas and theories , disseminating them among its active researchers and teachers , and inculcating them into its students and sympathetic public intellectuals .
- 我所说的科学的机构框架,是指一套互补的手段,目的是发展其思想和理论,在活跃的学者和教师中传播,灌输给学生和意见相近的公共知识分子。