in full swing是什么意思,in full swing的意思是
in full swing基本解释
1. 全面展开,如火如荼
2. 全面展开
3. 热火朝天
4. 正在全力进行
5. 正在紧张进行
6. 正起劲
7. 在高潮中
in full swing的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- In qingdao a thriving port city in shandong province the construction boom is in full swing .
- 山东省日益繁荣的港口城市青岛正在热火朝天地进行城市建设。
- But this year the parties were in full swing again .
- 但是今年展会又一次活跃起来。
- Remaking facebook for this new platform is already in full swing .
- 为这一新的平台重新打造facebook已经如火如荼地展开。
- The lunar new year begins on february 10 but the party season is normally in full swing at least a fortnight before .
- 今年的农历新年初一是在2月10日,但庆祝活动通常在2周前就全面展开了。
- With parliamentary and presidential elections three and six months away respectively russia 's political season is in full swing .
- 距议会选举和总统大选分别还有3个月和6个月的时间,俄罗斯的选举季即将全面展开。
- The presidential elections in ghana are in full swing .
- 加纳的总统大选正在如火如荼的进行中。
- By 1946 however the battle over continental drift was in full swing .
- 然而,到1946年,对大陆漂移说的战斗进行得如火如荼。
- With summer approaching outdoor cookouts will soon be in full swing .
- 随著夏天的来临,室外烧烤马上就会进入高潮。
- We are back in full swing attending to important matters .
- 我们回来全力专注于重要事务。