in full基本解释
1. 全额
2. 全费
3. 全文地,全部地
4. 完全
5. 十足
6. 全部地
7. 不省略地
in full的用法和例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The company says the loans have been repaid in full .
- 该公司说,这些贷款都已全额偿还。
- Senior bondholders were repaid in full in all but a handful of cases .
- 除屈指可数的几例外,高级债券所有人都得到了全额支付。
- If no domain is registered the money is refunded in full .
- 如果客户没有注册任何域名,那么保证金将全部返还。
- But green campaigners complained the data gathered were not published in full .
- 但环保分子抱怨说,政府并没有公布普查所收集到的全部数据。
- Perhaps more troubling contagion was back in full effect .
- 可能更令人感到不安的是这种现象正在全面蔓延开来。
- The information comes in full force without a great deal of filtering .
- 外界的信息会对他们的感官造成全面冲击,没有什么筛选。
- It is capitalism in full cry .
- 这也是资本主义的充分展现。
- Your plant was in full bloom ?
- 你的植物完全开花了么?
- He did it in full view of the public .
- 他在众目睽睽之下做了那件事。
- This girl paid in full .
- 这个女孩已经全付了.