
n.蜂窝,蜂巢( honeycomb的名词复数 )
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- On the other side of the village , in chongqing 's dazu county , beekeeper long ximing is too engrossed in his honeycombs - and avoiding being stung - to check on his phone 's shrill alert .
- 在村的另一边,重庆省大足县,养蜂户龙西明(音译)也在蜂箱旁边,一边躲着蜜蜂,一边心无旁骛地查看手机短信。
- I certainly don 't want to think about those terrible honeycombs .
- 我是真的不想去想那些糟糕的蜂巢。
- The sergeant-major brought them some honeycombs on a board .
- 警长他们带来一些重大蜜一局。
- Why do honeycombs have hexagonal cells ?
- 蜂巢为什么是六边形?
- Behind a huge round table stood a group of standing figures , headless and armless , their bodies textured like honeycombs or crumbling tree trunks .
- 在一张巨大的圆桌后面,有一组站立的人像,没有头也没有四肢,身体结构像是蜂巢或破碎的树干。