
honeybees 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And without honeybees to pollinate crops , our food supply is in danger .
- 如果没有这些蜜蜂给农作物授粉,我们的食物供给将会受到威胁。
- The delicate flowers attract pollinators , mostly honeybees , to visit and collect nectar and pollen .
- 娇艳的花儿吸引着传递花粉的动物采集花蜜和花粉,其中大部分是蜜蜂。
- The more we fashion our democracies after honeybees , seeley argues , the better off we 'll be .
- 他还提出,我们越是模仿蜜蜂的民主,我们的生活就将越美好。
- Through years of study , seeley and his colleagues have uncovered a few principles honeybees use to make these smart decisions .
- 经过多年研究,西利和他的同事们揭开了蜜蜂在明智决策中所遵循的一些原则。
- Such a die-off is no longer unusual . About a third of honeybees have perished every winter since 2006 .
- 这样的大规模死亡已不是新鲜事,因为自从2006年起,每年都有大约三分之一的蜜蜂死亡。
- In a separate experiment , the team collected and examined wild bumblebees and wasps and discovered molecular evidence of viruses that can infect honeybees .
- 在研究小组另一项试验中收集的野生蜜蜂和黄蜂中发现的病毒,可能会成为蜜蜂感染病毒的证据。
- Seeley and his colleagues found that honeybees that visit good sites keep dancing for more trips than honeybees from mediocre ones .
- 西利和他的同事发现,和那些发现普通选址的蜜蜂相比,找到优秀选址的蜜蜂会跳更长时间的舞。
- It has been one of the great murder mysteries of the garden : what is killing off the honeybees ?
- 昆虫学家一直为花园中的一桩重大“谋杀案”而头痛不已:究竟谁是杀死蜜蜂的刽子手?
- When honeybees swarm-and head to their new , democratically selected nest sites-their old mother queen goes with them .
- 蜜蜂成群的飞往民主选举出来的新窝时,老蜂王也和它们一起去。
- For his phd at harvard , seeley took up a longstanding entomological question : how do honeybees choose their homes ?
- 在哈佛大学攻读博士学位时,西利着手研究一个长期存在的昆虫学问题:蜜蜂们是如何择定住处的呢?