

n.手工业者,手工艺人( handicraftsman的名词复数 )

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Why does he go confusedly dealing and exchanging with the handicraftsmen ?
Roughly the same in status as the poor peasants and the small handicraftsmen , they are highly receptive to revolutionary propaganda .
We have allowed individual handicrafts to exist for a long time now , and organized most of the handicraftsmen into collectively owned cooperatives according to the principle of voluntary participation .
However , if a few cities think it convenient to pass judgment first on industrial and commercial units other than the independent handicraftsmen and traders and defer judgment on the latter , that is in order , too .
To meet the growing material and cultural needs of people and reappear the glory history of the millenarianism , modern shu brocade handicraftsmen have now developed and produced , based on the study of the relevant ancient rare books , the second generation of the preface in chinese character pattern .
Their position is similar to that of the handicraftsmen .
National capitalist ownership was the fourth skin , and the fifth was ownership by small producers , that is , individual ownership by the peasants and handicraftsmen .
The small capitalists as well as the independent handicraftsmen and traders are generally innocent of serious offences , and it is not difficult to pass judgment on them .
The interests of the groups of handicraftsmen which had arisen with the division of labor , the special needs of the town as opposed to the country , called for new organs .