The bike 's frame , wheels , handlebars and saddle are all made of cardboard in this way , and then fitted together .
The bike 's handlebars got jammed into the coach 's metal base and speared long , opening a fissure from his belly button to his rectum .
Annoyingly , this also happened the last time I flew with a bike although that time the damage was limited to two chainrings and a set of handlebars .
Once we have adjusted the handlebars and saddles of our trek hybrid bikes and filled our water bottles , we head away from the tourist hubs into the bright sunshine and oppressive humidity of the countryside .
It has a titanium frame ( that is , it 's very light ) ; handlebars that go straight across , rather than drop , to keep me more upright ( I 've got a neck problem ) ; especially durable wheels and tires .