
n.(美国产的)土拨鼠( groundhog的名词复数 )
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- You wouldn 't necessarily peg groundhogs as good swimmers or tree climbers just by looking at them , but they 're actually pretty capable at doing both .
- 仅仅看外表,你无法判断出土拨鼠是游泳健将,爬树高手,但它们的确很擅长做这两件事。
- In warmer parts of the world , groundhogs hibernate for as little as three months , but in colder regions their sleep can last six months or more .
- 在比较暖和的地区,土拨鼠只冬眠三个月,但是在寒冷地区冬眠则要持续六个月以上。
- In honor of the holiday , I 've rounded up seven things about groundhogs that you probably didn 't know .
- 为了庆祝这个节日,我搜集了有关土拨鼠的你或许不知道的7件事。
- Groundhog day owes a lot to a much older european tradition of candlemas , but was popularized in the late 1800s by a newspaper editor named clymer h. freas who was inspired by the hunter tradition of gathering together and barbecuing groundhogs and drinking beer .
- 土拨鼠日源于更古老的欧洲传统节日圣烛节,但是在19世纪晚期一位名叫clymerh.freas的报社编辑,使土拨鼠日大众化,他的灵感来自于聚在一起烧烤土拨鼠,喝啤酒的传统。
- As for groundhogs ( marmota monax ) themselves , they are not endangered , but people for the ethical treatment o animals ( peta ) is calling for the replacement of punxsutawney phil with a robot , calling his treatment inhumane .
- 至于土拨鼠自身(marmotamonax),它们并不濒临灭绝,但是善待动物协会(peta)呼吁用机器人代替菲尔(punxsutawneyphil),认为它受到的待遇不人道。
- Groundhogs are really deep sleepers
- 土拨鼠的确是深度冬眠者。
- They apprenticed their children to the badger and later joined the groundhogs and gophers to start a successful private school .
- 它们把它们的孩子送到獾那边去当徒弟,后来又加入了土拨鼠和金花鼠,成功的开了一间私立学校。
- Though they spend most of their time on or under the ground , groundhogs can also climb trees .
- 尽管土拨鼠大部分时间呆在地上或者地下,他们也会爬树。