

goldfish 变化形式
复数: goldfish goldfishes
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- In seattle , goldfish can ride the city buses in bowls only if they keep still .
- 在美国西雅图市,法律规定,鱼缸里的金鱼只有在静止不动时方可乘坐城市公交巴士。
- Knowing how difficult it is for an outsider to live within the goldfish bowl of royalty , they kept quiet .
- 正因为知晓让一个局外人住进皇室这个金鱼碗里是多么的艰难,他们才保持沉默。
- Although goldfish look very attractive in a round fishbowl , this is generally not the best container to keep them in .
- 金鱼在小小的圆形鱼缸里看起来很漂亮,尽管如此,这种小容器并不适合金鱼生长。
- British cats , dogs , cows , pigs and even goldfish are helping destroy the rainforests of south-east asia .
- 英国的猫、狗、奶牛、猪甚至还有金鱼正促成了东南亚热带雨林的破坏。
- Goldfish actually have long memory spans
- 金鱼事实上有长记忆广度
- Goldfish can retain memories that last for up to three months .
- 金鱼可以保存记忆长达三个月之久。
- Some even thought the goldfish memory span to last only several seconds .
- 有些人甚至认为金鱼的记忆力只能持续几秒。
- In reality , goldfish have a memory span of up to three months .
- 事实上,金鱼的记忆力可以长达3个月。
- If you keep a goldfish in the dark , it will eventually turn white .
- 如果让金鱼生活在黑暗中,它最终会变成白色。
- That 's without even getting into dogs , parakeets , goldfish , ferrets .
- 这还没有算上狗、长尾小鹦鹉、金鱼和雪貂。