

n.一瞥( glimpse的名词复数 );一看;短暂的感受;大致了解
v.瞥见( glimpse的第三人称单数 );开始领悟到,开始认识到

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Many theme parks do offer glimpses of history .
Walking around soho , you see glimpses of it everywhere .
He caught only glimpses of the internet via slow , expensive dialup connections to local bulletin boards .
There was a time when european summits would provide glimpses of the future world order . Those times are gone .
At the end of madach 's poem , adam is about to throw himself off a cliff in despair , when he glimpses redemption .
Other fossil finds , including fish , gastropods and plants such as palms , are providing researchers with their first glimpses of the tropical ecosystem that laid the foundations for the amazon forest .
The trial is delving into the complex world of computer programming and providing fascinating glimpses of the inner workings of the two tech giants .
But even this seems to be largely a voluntarily chosen hierarchy , drawing those who seek a life of adventure and exploration ; to the extent that we see glimpses of civilian life , it seems mostly untroubled by hierarchy or compulsion .
When I came back from the east last autumn I felt that iwanted the world to be in uniform and at a sort of moral attention forever ; iwanted no more riotous excursions with privileged glimpses into the humanheart .
There were glimpses of an attractive vision of the future in the leaked clips of the opening ceremony on youtube .