gins 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Note that when a player gins , the opponent may not lay off cards on the gin hand .
- 注意,当一名玩家得到“金”时,对手不可以使自己的牌“离职”与“金”匹配。
- So they come into the art club and micky be - gins to paint .
- 因此他们进入俱乐部,micky就开始绘画.
- Play continues until a player gins or knocks , or until there are only two cards left in the stock .
- 游戏持续进行直到一方得到“金”或“敲门”,或者一直到只剩下两张牌在“备用牌叠”。
- Dell first builds a mold , then fills it with cotton husks , a waste product left over from cotton gins .
- 戴尔首先造出一个模子,然后注入棉籽皮——轧棉机工作留下来的一种废料。
- After a couple of granny 's gins , I was having difficulty walking straight !
- 喝了几杯奶奶酿的杜松子酒后,我路都走不直了!
- Joke never gins n eny but often loses friend .
- 开玩笑总不能化敌为友,反而有时会失去朋友。
- I would n 't be so bashful , fellowes said , pouring out the pink gins .
- “要是我,可不这么腼腆,”费娄威斯一边说一边往杯子里倒杜松子药酒。
- Hands cling to hands and eyes linger on eyes : thus b ` gins the record of our hearts .
- 手牵着手,眼望着眼;我们就这样开始了心路历程。