
n.花招,诡计,骗人的玩意儿( gimmick的名词复数 )
gimmicks 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Hong kong shopping malls are known for extravagant gimmicks to lure coveted holiday shoppers .
- 香港各家购物商场向来以夸张的噱头吸引假日顾客而闻名。
- Some projects have stalled , while others appear to be promotional gimmicks by commercial developers .
- 当其他人似乎是促销噱头的开发商时,有些项目已经停滞。
- Well , despite complicated terminologies and hordes of gimmicks , the solution is quite simple .
- 好吧,没有复杂的术语和成堆的噱头,简单就是解决的方法。
- Hong kong shopping malls are known for extravagant gimmicks to lure holiday shoppers .
- 香港购物商场向来以使用夸张的假日噱头吸引顾客而闻名。
- Furthermore , the lawsuit says , citigroup executives engaged in various accounting gimmicks to conceal the bank 's ownership of assets that eventually soured .
- 此外,该诉讼还声称,花旗集团领导层通过利用不同的会计花招隐藏了这家银行对于那些最终恶化的资产的所有权。
- Instead , he wants to fill the hole with one-shot budget gimmicks , including reneging on a promise to reduce borrowing for transportation investment and diverting funds from clean-energy programs .
- 相反,他却想用一次性的预算花招来填补这个窟窿,其中包括背弃减少从运输投资借款的诺言,从洁净能源计划截取资金等。
- As similar gimmicks become widespread , privacy concerns will invariably mount .
- 随着类似系统的普及,人们将更关注自己的隐私问题。
- A flashy expensive car with all sorts of gimmicks like self-winding windows .
- 装置有各式小革新如自动升降窗的豪华昂贵汽车。
- I developed a system for sharing sales gimmicks that worked .
- 我建立了一套制度,让所有业务员共享行之有效的销售策略。
- There are no gimmicks , no harmful muscle relaxers , no hazardous chemicals .
- 没有暗藏机关,不用有害的肌肉麻痹剂,无有毒化学。