

gaol 变化形式
复数: gaols
第三人称单数: gaols
过去式: gaoled
过去分词: gaoled
现在分词: gaoling

gaol 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- This earth is not without some resemblance to a gaol .
- 地球不是不象个监狱吧?
- You are going to go to gaol , or worse , if you do not stand aside .
- 如果你们还不避开(而坚持霸道主义),你们终将被送入监狱,或者更糟。
- She went to gaol for assault .
- 她因人身侵犯而入狱。
- Think about it : how 'll you help her in gaol ?
- 你还是好好想想她坐牢了怎么办吧
- The thief was hustled off to gaol .
- 那窃贼被推推搡搡进入监房。
- Thou canst not then use rigour in my gaol .
- 你就不能在狱中再对我发狠。
- He is gaol for six month for his part in the robbery .
- 他因参与抢劫监禁了六个月。
- The bigger the crime , the longer the gaol sentence .
- 犯的罪越大,刑期越长。
- The man was a good fellow till he was about fifty years of age ; then a rot set in , now he 's in gaol .
- 那个人到50岁左右一直是个好人,后来他受了一连串的挫折,终于进了监牢。
- For one of the prisoners so summoned had died in gaol and been forgotten , and two had already been guillotined and forgotten .
- 有一个已死在牢里,被人忘掉了;另外两个早已上了断头台,也被人忘掉了。