
floodwaters 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Floodwaters lingered in coastal communities from southern new jersey to eastern connecticut .
- 从新泽西州南部到康涅狄格州东部的沿海社区仍然有洪水滞留。
- Floodwaters formed a giant , arc-shaped lake on what was normally cultivated land .
- 洪水在往日的耕地上形成了一个巨大的弧形湖泊。
- Floodwaters also spread west into balochistan , causing devastation there , as well .
- 洪水也向西扩展进入俾路支省,也在当地造成破坏。
- Rescue teams have yet to reach several areas even after the rain stopped sunday and floodwaters started to drop .
- 即使在周日降雨停止、洪水开始消退后,救援队伍也依然未能达到某些地区。
- The light-colored rooftops of residences and other structures contrast sharply with green vegetation and brown , sediment laden floodwaters .
- 浅色的房顶和绿色植被、棕色土地形成强烈对比,洪水也呈现泥沙的颜色。
- Floodwaters that were once dispersed across a wide plain were now confined to a high , narrow channel .
- 一度泛滥在宽广平原上的洪水现在被约束在高高的、狭窄的水渠中。
- Lava and white ash mixed with floodwaters to form a hard , sun baked layer known as tufa .
- 火山岩浆和白色火山灰与洪水融合,被阳光烤干,形成坚硬的地层凝灰岩。
- Cattle look for dry land as floodwaters slowly rise near turner , arkansas , on tuesday .
- 星期二,在阿肯色州的特纳,当密西西比河的洪水慢慢涨起时,牛群开始寻找干燥的牧场。
- Beirut , lebanon , october 22 , 2008 -- lebanese men pull their belongings from floodwaters outside their home .
- 黎巴嫩,贝鲁特,2008年10月22日黎巴嫩人从屋子外面的洪水中将财产拖回来。
- Five years before that floodwaters killed about 60 residents and forced 365000 from their homes .
- 十年前(2002年)的一场洪水使60名居民遇难,迫使365000人流离失所。